Eli-Chem MasterCast 1-2-1 Clear Art Coating Resin has been ASTM certified non-hazardous and non-toxic, it utilises the most up to date UV inhibitors/blockers.
MasterCast is a two part epoxy resin with an easy 1:1 mix ratio by volume. The resin self levels to form a perfectly flat and shiny finish. Once cured, MasterCast provides a clear art coating resin that won't shrink or distort over time. It can be applied by pouring or by brush/roller and cures at ambient temperature. It has excellent UV resistance, clarity and transparency making the resin system particularly suitable for the protection and decoration of: paintings, artwork, sculptures, badges, photos or just about any creative project. Please be advised although the resin is U.V stabilised, this does not mean it is U.V proof. Ultimately all Eli-Chem clear epoxy resins will show signs of U.V degradation over time.
Solvent and odour free Safe to use - ASTM certified High build formula Exceptional UV resistance Non-flammable